Buddha found "HIS" Middle way ...you find yours !!!!
Perhaps, Buddha is the best example of one who must have felt extremes, and then have found the "EUREKA"....that nothing lies at extremes, it is MIDDLE PATH that signifies that either things exist to they do not. Middle path is his "ENLIGHTENMENT", can u believe this? He never preached to leave all for the sake of "Removal of Sufferings", though he himself tried it all. e followed the Hindu ascetic way of life, but could not renounce what it all takes, and could not accept that facet of life. He did not believe in any after life that he found quite MORBID. He unfolds then three this principle, and eight those principle of morality, and make people follow one other sort of Philosophy, with its roots in Hinduism, and few bits and pieces from here and there, and the model of Enlightenment is Ready. Buddhism has never seen another Buddha till then; all Kappas whom I do not consider enlighten have either been in exile, or in their monasteries. Further more, I do not find any Buddhist society as one of the fore-runner society of the culture and values.
This all I have scribbled above is because of one simple reason. Extremes have been achieved by the people, and they so puzzled, that they have fragmented into many personalities, their desires are not in accordance with their thinking, and this dissonance is creating havoc in their lives. To solve their problems, they are either attracted towards Self help books, or they prefer to live in delusion. Where they hear music to avoid the cacophony of the world around them, watch movies to alleviate the mental pain and satiate the creative pursuit. They find some breathing techniques so wonderful, that they can be seen in Parks, doing all the possible nonsense early in the morning. But these solutions are not fit for all. Problem of each individual is unique and it can not be addressed by be so called "THUMB RULES".
Religion is the worst thing that can happen to human mankind. It has made people vulnerable to conflict and burdened of morality. It has drawn out one faculty of mind that thinks beyond the obvious, and which is a huge loss to an individual who is presently using 5%of his mind. Isn’t it ? People are forced to adapt what others are following, or majority is following. The application of mind is switched off when religion persists. People follow rituals, without knowing the actual history/reason of the same. This is painful. They are singing hymns, and chanting mantras without knowing the "Contextual" essence of the words. They are into meditation, are on fast, are flaunting the altruism, and madly following the path shown by their pope/GOD/Allah/ guru. This concept of following itself puts people at vulnerable state. That is why when conflict arises; it is not the wrong on the part of individual but of their ignorance of not knowing the half-baked knowledge of their religion. From Nazis to Jews, From Hindus to Muslims and from one sect to other, Conflicts have been pervasive and these all conflicts have been conflicts of ideologies, conflicts of who is superior? Who is to rule, and who is to be ruled ?Tragedy is that after 53 years of war, We are still recruiting, nurturing and putting our forces on Land, in air and into oceans to sane the territories of the nations. 53 years....Billion shave been spend for just being "PARANOID"....having constant fear of attack, constant fear of being taken over by some power. But truth is that people are not able to introspect, what they want? And this inability is making them so vulnerable. Scientific progress has only made things worse. It has providing each warrior a "TESTED" tool of mass destruction, ability to kill innocents, power to rule helpless, govern the minors, and devastate the weak.
The biggest problem is that people are trying out to solve the modern age problems with Ancient old religions and philosophies. IT signifies that people have not evolved in these years. There is dearth of "Intellectual" prowess; there is sense of inferiority in this human race that believes that their ancestors were far more superior to them, that their future lies no where. They believe that third world war is inevitable, and civilization will come to an end soon. Nostradamus has become cult now.
This is time for a afresh awakening, time to pause, time to dwell upon, time to ponder upon the existence of humans, their purpose of life, their way of living with respect to the demand of the world around them. They should not live the life in present with the values of the past. They must not amaze with what ancestors have done, but should find their innovative ways. It was 3 B.C when Buddha found middle path, and this is 2008, you must find your way.