Love the souls !!!
There are people who have been affected by many new century problems, actually these problems are just side effects of so called modernity, repercussions of Progress that mankind has made, by product of inventions and discoveries and result of the deeds of our ancestors who chose Democracy as way of governing the state, Religion as way of life and culture as ether of nation.
Problems are diversified in nature. These encompass "Frustration" of creative individuals in this labor oriented society. Devastation of arts as it has turned into mere commodity, Fickleness of relationships out of finding individualism, that keeps ME over WE, Delusions of mind in complex world, Choke-ness of freedom because of moral constraints, Pressure of performance in this competitive world, Compromises over values to achieve what is "mean”, Hazards of health in unhygienic world and Impurity of ideas because of lack of novelty. But the biggest problem is the loss of "VALUES" that affects the soul as a whole, and it is mystifying the real goals, forcing people to achieve what is less important and fighting for trivial things.
What is the solution for above problems is then a million dollar question. Isn't it !! There is no unique solution for all. There are customized solutions, which need to be generated, and they can only be found out through introspection. As there have been differences in the histories of the people, differences between the cultures so that the differences between the heritages their ancestors have made. But basic ethos is same of the solution that I believe can solve the problem.
Love!!!, Yes the most mysterious but universal emotion, carries the solution for most of the problems. You love the soul, not the bodies, you love the art and not the artist (As artist has art as his soul), you love the emotions and not the culture. You start loving the things that makes your breath calm, your mind in peace and which appease your senses, and negate all the negative energies. Love the people around you, rather than cutting their head out of competition. Love the incapables, love the mediocres, and love the incompetents, as that is their true self. The true things are the most beautiful thing in this world. Try to remember the smile of the children. Isn't it beautiful ? Once you will start loving the people/things/situations around you, your tension will diffuse without an iota of extra effort. Once your acceptance to the mediocrity will rise, you will start feeling alleviated, and that will eradicate any conflict out of your way. Your life would become "ENEMY FREE". You would able to cherish the beauties of life like any child does. Your life would then become expectation free, as you would accept what is coming your way.
These are the nodal points in the solution, but the spectrum of solution lies with you. It needs to be developed by the individual for him/herself, and that would ease out his/her commotion, her negative energies, her evils. But all this would be possible just by loving the souls !!! It is the bottom line.