Definitely psychology of our generation has been engulfed by the clouds spurred by media, larger than life leaders, and so called several heroes. We have trained ourselves to emulate something or somebody that mass follows or what is accepted by many. This "Heard Phenomenon" is very common among humans. Social factors are also responsible for this vulnerable state in which human race has reached. We will sew how societal un-predictable form has made things worse for humans themselves.
Societies evolve and that is natural phenomenon but unsynchronized way it is following the pain.The natural resources are produce by some body and consumed by some body else. The Oil produced in Nigeria in completely unstable state is consumed in US. Levis Jeans stitched in horrible working conditions in US are purchased by Europe. These social factors play a crucial step in the harmony of world, in the welfare of ecosystem and above all the survival of humans. When US purchase crude oil from Iraq or Saudi Arabia, is it concern about the political status of that country. Is it bothered about what is mode of the purchasing? its currency based or commodity based or Arm Based or Opium based. What are the repercussions of the same? These things might look insignificant in front of vision and mission statement of the corporations but this has to be ingrained by the corporations, especially those which are Multi National Companies. Meeting the ethical and humane aspects that are going into the product realization phase should be the prime motive. What kind of waves are going into the product. So Nike should not be happy for its profit coming fro the products manufactured in Taiwan, but it should look into the working conditions and the extraction of the raw material that is going into the product. So accountability chain is far from lengthy that is been perceived now.
So in nutshell, Accountability chain is to be taken up to replace the supply chain. Who is adding value in the supply chain and the way it is adding value both are important for the product development. Repercussions need to be analyzed and studied prior to the Product realization. And More ethical way needs to taken over the just profit motive approach. Its not just progress that matters but it is survival that is at stake. There is requirement to be psychologically toned so that we can make wise choices for our preferences.
Till now we saw, how come the product can affect our ecological system. Accountability chain is need of hour. Every individual, community, government and institution must be held accountable for his deeds. Welfare of larger mass must be kept in mind before eking out short term profits. Now onwards I will dwell upon the psychological problem of the aspect. Maslow's theory states about the needs and all. I think that is correct in every sense until there is not something about the repercussions of those states. So a person who is struggling to have first level needs can not be expected to attain enlightenment just by preaching him few fundas.
Psychology is even more complex than psychologist can ever think. Every human is different so you can imagine the introduction of complex structure with birth of every child. And this birth affects or changes the complete dynamics of the web i.e psychology. This web( Psychology of humnas) is sub set of broader set or web. This web is of interactions among humnas, animals, environment, Forces and God. So a person who is not educated (ignorant) plouging in field in some coastal part of Vietnam can affect the sensex index of NY stock exchange. A worker in small textile mill in china can affect the ecological balance of Greenland. when things are so much interrelated the regulation of the psychologies is the prime force because it affects the various facets of life on this planet. The psychology of possession is natural to humans. When humans have enough to feed they start accumulating for any future or contingency. After that state they moves into the territory of personal ego (The most difficult aspect of psychology). Here the pride, grandeur and status rules. Most of the time individuals reside in this arena, while billions of people struggle for their survival.
This natural disharmony resulting due to psychology is inevitable. But its magnitude can definitely reduce to certain level. Humans use 5%of their mind (Scientifically proven fact). It makes humans erring. Mistakes are natural impact of this. Our ancestors were affected by the thing. But new generation or present generation is now using 30% of it body. And out of comforts available because of so called technological advances immunity has reached to its lowest levels. Diseases are pervasive. And credit goes to psychology of humans. The most important thing is this that psychology is vulnerable. it can be easily affected by the figures, facts, videos and stills. Psychology can be guided through simulation, stimulation and sizzling tact. It can be maneuver by the theories, ideas and scientific facts. And above all it can be enthralled by the creativity and innovation. You can say that psychology is prone to change. And last few decades have seen a sea change in the psychology of humans and it is well reflected in the transformation of societies, culture and values. What is right and what is wrong alters with the change in values. What is crime and what is not changes with the values. What to have and what not to have with the change of culture.
So this changed pattern of psychology is partially driven by the natural up-gradation in the level of need and vastly strengthened by External forces. These External forces have their psychological gain in mind while changing the thinking patterns of the masses and it takes place without even considering the after effects of this change on the ecology and above all on the way we interact to each other.
Whom to blame? It is difficult task. It is like accusing some one of unintentional crime. Most of the actions taken in history towards any betterment, which are now resulting into the miseries of millions, were mostly unintentional. Our scientific advancements were seen as the assistance for the ease of mankind. Ease in commuting, ease of connectivity, ease of quick cure. All these ease are no doubt has improved the life style but repercussions of these processes were ooften neglected.
Let’s take an example of product.
We are now very much affected by the Hydrocarbon based air pollution. Carbon mono oxide is killing both us and environment around us. Suppose an alternative fuel made up of water and few chemicals is invented by some scientist in some corner of world. The company that is financing the research of this project took the formula, and dwell upon the possibility of the manufacturing of the alternative fuel, which it founds quite feasible and profitable. As that company is already in the petrochemical business, it boasts this invention as the cure from the carbon based pollution, and promotes the product as Carbon free fuel. It takes the permission of the government which is going to fight elections. Government takes the mileage out of this by alluring voters. Product stores were opened and shelves were filled with several variants of the product. Millions of engines that can run on this technology were manufactured. Billions were job created across the supply chain of the new product. People started the use of new fuel. And it was no doubt Carbon free fuel. Environment is clean. Everybody is happy. The Company that has produced this Fuel is posting profits quarter by quarter. Its share price increases like any thing. This is end of any present product Accountability Chain. Any new product is taken by the manufacturer up to this level only in current business concept. It is end of supply chain.
Now starts the real accountability chain. When that fuel is used, people find a decline in the performance of the vehicle in next two or three years. After four years engines were affected badly, so people started changing their vehicles to get rid of the poor performances. Those vehicles were sold to economically weaker class in suburban areas. And in next few years there were billions of vehicles lying their at countryside. Till here nobody has looked into the problem. Then in next few years Engines performance worsen so much that they can not be used at all. Here starts the dismantling of the parts of these vehicles. And when engines were opened the fuel has made hell of the internal parts. A poisonous layer of the chemical deposited over that. These trillions of parts were then disposed in some rural areas where rules are not followed that stringently. At these places nobody is bothered about what waste management technology is followed. And some expert here suggests that it is better to dispose them in water otherwise it can harm the humans. And the nearby pious river is filled with these poisonous components of the engines. Here nobody is bothered about the aftereffect of this disposal.
Here starts the next cruel step. Out of ignorance that harmful chemical layer on those components that were thrown reacted with water and produced even dangerous chemical. Nobody is bothered about this chemical reaction. And next few years the river was made dumping place of the harmful chemicals. Slowly slowly, it killed several species of river. And then one fine day a local NGO/UN representative finds that MILLY fish does not exist anymore. The river is so polluted that if any water is extracted it can kill humans. So from this is how getting rid of carbon out of air pollution resulted into the extinction of MILLY fish and end of one river.
So I believe now it is clear that Accountability Chain is more important than just Supply chain. Supply chain reaches just up to customer while accountability chain reaches up to the Last effect of every ingredient used in the making of that product. It will ensure what went wrong. This is just product aspect. There are psychological, moral and Social aspects also related to the accountability chain.
Probably this has been the most successful and the most devastating centuries mankind history has ever seen. And this contrast symbolizes one of the aspects of philosophy that says that "One has to pay the price of everything". In this case devastation of Ozone layer, pollution of sea, global warming, hurricanes and pervasive wars have been the price of our ever reaching technology progression, Industrial growth, Consumerism and flood of waste filled in the market.
Planning... !!!
Perhaps the poor planning has been at the core of the present miserable situation of the human mankind. If I am planning to make some product without considering the after effects of it’s by products, or the impact of the product on the humans, or the after math of the waste that it will produce I am at wrong end. The Off-shelve management of the product must not be left to the governments to tackle. It is the responsibility of the product maker to move ahead and take the responsibilities of his actions.(Please Refer fig:1)
But there is no agency that is looking into the aftermath of the product. It is upto the producer to take into consideration all this. And when business is run for business, who will look into the welfare of the society or environment. Cost trade off is always taken at the side of producer. Goverment is another handicap entity in the whole lot. You can well imagine the power of UN and its role in preventing any war in this last century. Product is produced from the brain of some original thinker (However he is never/least given the credit). This person is left then and there. Then in some manufacturing plant starts the game of second handers and profit makers. Here people and raw material that are their nascent stage are exploited. And then emerges the product to be consumed. Product is used by the consumers who are addicted of serving their senses. They too are not aware of the after effects of the usage of the product. as the life cycle of the product ends, it is thrown into the basket of society, where no body wants to keep the baby so this is utter responsibility of society to take care of the waste and the aftereffects of the waste. And when whole world starts crying.....everybody is ready with their diplomats, reporters and politicians to lament over the issue.
What Next ?
Bottom line....
"Existence is intangible so that the everything related to it. Dreams are result of unconscious mind, why to be conscious all the time then? Love is difficult to be understood, it’s not for mediocre like me. Relationships are binding force for an individual, but I am still free. Money can not buy you happiness, then why to accumulate dollars. Change is the only constant thing then why to prick the status-quo? Come along with me to feel the enlightenment"….Unknown...