Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blogs are all I have ...

Blogging has evolved within very short span. Here are few popular blog types..?

I know something !!! I will flaunt it.

This is what most people do when they talk about their knowledge of particular thing/item through their blogs. And they try to leave past the existing encyclopedia, for the same reason. It includes knowledge of already existing things. It is like teaching some DUMB n NAIVE students. These blogs are quite informative in the sense; they encapsulate so much at one place that people feel enervated while reading such blogs. Quite Informative is one phrase for such blogs!!!!

I am here for ads !!! Just click Plzzzzzz

This is most popular class of the blogs, where bloggers scribble down all the catchy things, just to draw attention of the user. Topics here include most weird items, from "Shape of Ancient Condoms" to “Men will give birth now ". They just want a simple click of the user on the Ad pop ups. They have one dream of minting money, come what may!!!. The authenticity of such blogs is questionable. There is no trust between blogger and user. And users feel like being cheated. But by the time user think that way, bloggers might have made few cents or Rupees....

I am new age critic !!! This is my Column....

This is slew of new comers who want to evolve as experts. They want to pour out their hearts, in every thing they write. They assume them as think tanks of the particular field. From poetry to prose, from movies to business, They criticize the writers, poets and authors. And they even rate them on the scale of five to ten. That is really ridiculous. You can find them, belittling few of the best creative artist, just for their sake...hats off to new EXPERTS....

then there are people like me who write for ...

I(ppl like me) write for expressing something that is there in thoughts, which is related to things around us, but are not said before. It is actually stretched thinking. Imagination is the genesis of such blogs. their topics are again at times weird, varying from from ethical dilemma to Creative pursuit, from comedy to intellectual identity. At times it can be just a story of one word. That is actually "EXPLORATION"....People like me explore through such blogs. I explore between what is there and what should be there. I explore between tangible and intangible. I explore between the sound and music, between thinking and words. I write because I feel that thoughts are more verbose than words. And to get rid of flummox is to write...Express...release the energy of mind cells...on the Computer screen....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My best friend 93.5 F.

My best friend 93.5 F.M

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Buddha found "HIS" Middle way find yours !!!!

Perhaps, Buddha is the best example of one who must have felt extremes, and then have found the "EUREKA"....that nothing lies at extremes, it is MIDDLE PATH that signifies that either things exist to they do not. Middle path is his "ENLIGHTENMENT", can u believe this? He never preached to leave all for the sake of "Removal of Sufferings", though he himself tried it all. e followed the Hindu ascetic way of life, but could not renounce what it all takes, and could not accept that facet of life. He did not believe in any after life that he found quite MORBID. He unfolds then three this principle, and eight those principle of morality, and make people follow one other sort of Philosophy, with its roots in Hinduism, and few bits and pieces from here and there, and the model of Enlightenment is Ready. Buddhism has never seen another Buddha till then; all Kappas whom I do not consider enlighten have either been in exile, or in their monasteries. Further more, I do not find any Buddhist society as one of the fore-runner society of the culture and values.

This all I have scribbled above is because of one simple reason. Extremes have been achieved by the people, and they so puzzled, that they have fragmented into many personalities, their desires are not in accordance with their thinking, and this dissonance is creating havoc in their lives. To solve their problems, they are either attracted towards Self help books, or they prefer to live in delusion. Where they hear music to avoid the cacophony of the world around them, watch movies to alleviate the mental pain and satiate the creative pursuit. They find some breathing techniques so wonderful, that they can be seen in Parks, doing all the possible nonsense early in the morning. But these solutions are not fit for all. Problem of each individual is unique and it can not be addressed by be so called "THUMB RULES".

Religion is the worst thing that can happen to human mankind. It has made people vulnerable to conflict and burdened of morality. It has drawn out one faculty of mind that thinks beyond the obvious, and which is a huge loss to an individual who is presently using 5%of his mind. Isn’t it ? People are forced to adapt what others are following, or majority is following. The application of mind is switched off when religion persists. People follow rituals, without knowing the actual history/reason of the same. This is painful. They are singing hymns, and chanting mantras without knowing the "Contextual" essence of the words. They are into meditation, are on fast, are flaunting the altruism, and madly following the path shown by their pope/GOD/Allah/ guru. This concept of following itself puts people at vulnerable state. That is why when conflict arises; it is not the wrong on the part of individual but of their ignorance of not knowing the half-baked knowledge of their religion. From Nazis to Jews, From Hindus to Muslims and from one sect to other, Conflicts have been pervasive and these all conflicts have been conflicts of ideologies, conflicts of who is superior? Who is to rule, and who is to be ruled ?Tragedy is that after 53 years of war, We are still recruiting, nurturing and putting our forces on Land, in air and into oceans to sane the territories of the nations. 53 years....Billion shave been spend for just being "PARANOID"....having constant fear of attack, constant fear of being taken over by some power. But truth is that people are not able to introspect, what they want? And this inability is making them so vulnerable. Scientific progress has only made things worse. It has providing each warrior a "TESTED" tool of mass destruction, ability to kill innocents, power to rule helpless, govern the minors, and devastate the weak.

The biggest problem is that people are trying out to solve the modern age problems with Ancient old religions and philosophies. IT signifies that people have not evolved in these years. There is dearth of "Intellectual" prowess; there is sense of inferiority in this human race that believes that their ancestors were far more superior to them, that their future lies no where. They believe that third world war is inevitable, and civilization will come to an end soon. Nostradamus has become cult now.

This is time for a afresh awakening, time to pause, time to dwell upon, time to ponder upon the existence of humans, their purpose of life, their way of living with respect to the demand of the world around them. They should not live the life in present with the values of the past. They must not amaze with what ancestors have done, but should find their innovative ways. It was 3 B.C when Buddha found middle path, and this is 2008, you must find your way.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Love the souls !!!

There are people who have been affected by many new century problems, actually these problems are just side effects of so called modernity, repercussions of Progress that mankind has made, by product of inventions and discoveries and result of the deeds of our ancestors who chose Democracy as way of governing the state, Religion as way of life and culture as ether of nation.

Problems are diversified in nature. These encompass "Frustration" of creative individuals in this labor oriented society. Devastation of arts as it has turned into mere commodity, Fickleness of relationships out of finding individualism, that keeps ME over WE, Delusions of mind in complex world, Choke-ness of freedom because of moral constraints, Pressure of performance in this competitive world, Compromises over values to achieve what is "mean”, Hazards of health in unhygienic world and Impurity of ideas because of lack of novelty. But the biggest problem is the loss of "VALUES" that affects the soul as a whole, and it is mystifying the real goals, forcing people to achieve what is less important and fighting for trivial things.

What is the solution for above problems is then a million dollar question. Isn't it !! There is no unique solution for all. There are customized solutions, which need to be generated, and they can only be found out through introspection. As there have been differences in the histories of the people, differences between the cultures so that the differences between the heritages their ancestors have made. But basic ethos is same of the solution that I believe can solve the problem.

Love!!!, Yes the most mysterious but universal emotion, carries the solution for most of the problems. You love the soul, not the bodies, you love the art and not the artist (As artist has art as his soul), you love the emotions and not the culture. You start loving the things that makes your breath calm, your mind in peace and which appease your senses, and negate all the negative energies. Love the people around you, rather than cutting their head out of competition. Love the incapables, love the mediocres, and love the incompetents, as that is their true self. The true things are the most beautiful thing in this world. Try to remember the smile of the children. Isn't it beautiful ? Once you will start loving the people/things/situations around you, your tension will diffuse without an iota of extra effort. Once your acceptance to the mediocrity will rise, you will start feeling alleviated, and that will eradicate any conflict out of your way. Your life would become "ENEMY FREE". You would able to cherish the beauties of life like any child does. Your life would then become expectation free, as you would accept what is coming your way.

These are the nodal points in the solution, but the spectrum of solution lies with you. It needs to be developed by the individual for him/herself, and that would ease out his/her commotion, her negative energies, her evils. But all this would be possible just by loving the souls !!! It is the bottom line.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Passion !!!

Passions are result of synergy between desires and actions. It is amalgam of ones wishes, ones dreams, ones positive attitude and above all the outburst of ones enthusiasm.

Humans are passionate about what they love; it may be anything, from hobby to profession, from sport to avocation, at times girl friends. But most important thing humans are passionate about is their dreams, something that is intangible, and something that they have vague idea of. And this passionate chasing of unknown is at times awarded with words "MADNESS" and "FOOLHARDINESS". But passionate people do not think about that. They chase what they want, and they achieve what others can only dream of.

Passions have produced most outstanding works, performances, masterpieces and inventions. World has changed to the betterment and that is result of passion of an individual or a group of individuals. There has been a evolution of science, Art, Mathematics, Cinema, Engineering, political science, Exploration just because of the passions.

But the passion is not something that is constant in nature but it is fickle, and it depends upon external factors as well, actually there is conflict between the internal sinew and external pressure. Those succumb to external pressures diminishes the intensity of their passion. And their achievement too is shortened to mediocre performances. But facing the external forces is not only a fight but a "war”, against your dark desires, against the demon inside an individual.

Passions are bi-faced entities. Passions can not distinguish between good and evil, so they can produce few EVILS as well. This is unique thing about passions, they follows the humans dream and not the morality. Passions are like a momentum in the lives of which with which humans desires bounce ahead toward their dreams.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Emotions !!!

The very first thing that comes into my mind while I hear the word "EMOTION" is natural splurge. An Erupted Volcano, A wave of sea touching shores, A swirl of fragrance of fresh roses, A blow of wind and silence of Static River. The natural splurge of each one of them signifies emotions in a way or other. Emotions are intangible things that are lying beneath our skin and flesh, bound with in our skeleton. They are obviously controlled by our mind, but are always triggered by our senses of touch, feel, sight, smell and taste. But the biggest trigger of the emotions that differentiates humans from animals is "THOUGHT".Descartes has rightly said "I think, therefore I am". This very feeling of existence comes from our very ability if thinking, which triggers the splurge of emotions that in turn, weaves the fabric of existence of any human. A human is human till he possesses emotions, till he flows with this splurge, till his senses are triggering these emotions, and till he is able to think. Though emotions are governed by mind, but they are rarely driven by logic. There is insatiable rivalry between the two. Logic nullifies the natural instinct of splurge of emotions. Then the emotions become mere outpour or a banal drama.
Tough they are triggered by external forces, Emotions are completely internal splurge. They born deep inside heart, and takes over all the systems that are normally governed by mind. They are not affected by the culture, caste and creed. They are human specific entities, not nation or language or culture specific. This splurge is the Orchestra of our reaction to the situations. Emotions are like artist who create different arts with using same brush. Color and canvass. Emotions are divine also; they are natural splurge after all.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Excerpt from One Man's bible

You no longer live in other people's shadows nor treat other people's shadows as imaginary enemies. You just walked out of their shadows, stopped making up absurdities and fantasies, and are now in a vast emptiness and tranquillity. You originally came into the world naked and without cares and there is no need to take anything away with you, and if you wanted to you wouldn't be able to. Your only fear is unknowable death.
You recall that your fear of death began in childhood and that your fear of death was much worse then than it is now. The slightest ailment made you worry that it was an incurable disease and when you fell ill you would think up all sorts of nonsense and be stricken with terror. Your having survived so many illnesses and even disasters is purely a matter of luck. Life in itself is an inexplicable miracle and to be alive is a manifestation of this miracle. Is it not enough that a conscious physical body is able to perceive the pains and joys of life? What else is there to be sought?
Your fear of death arises when you are mentally and physically frail. There is the feeling of not being able to breathe and you are anxious that you will not be able to last until you can take your next breath. It is as if you are falling in an abyss, this sensation of falling was often present in dreams during childhood and you would wake in fright drenched in perspiration. In those days there was nothing wrong and your mother took you for many hospital examinations, nowadays even under the doctor's instruction to have an examination, you repeatedly procrastinate.
It is absolutely clear to you that life naturally ends and when the end comes the fear vanishes, for this fear is itself a manifestation of life. On losing awareness and consciousness life suddenly ends, allowing no further thought and no further meaning. Your affliction had been your search for meaning. When you began discussing the ultimate meaning of human life with friends of your youth you had hardly lived, it seems that now you have savoured virtually all of the sensations to be experienced in life you simply laugh at the futility of searching for meaning. It is best just to experience this existence and to take care of this existence.
You seem to see him in a vast emptiness, faint light comes from an unidentified source. He is not standing on some specific or defined patch of ground and he is like the trunk of a tree but has no shadow, and the horizon between the sky and the earth has vanished. Or, he is like a bird in some snow-covered place and is looking from one side to the other. Occasionally, he stares right ahead as if deep in thought, although it's not clear what it is that he is pondering. It's simply a gesture, a gesture of aesthetic beauty. Existence is actually a gesture, a striving for comfort, stretching the arms, bending the knees, turning around, to look back upon his consciousness. Or, it may be said that the gesture actually is his consciousness, that it is you in his consciousness, and from this he is able to gain some ephemeral happiness.
Tragedy, comedy and farce do not exist but are aesthetic judgements of human life that differ according to person, time and place. Feelings too are probably like this and the emotions of the present at some other time can fluctuate between the sentimental and the ludicrous. And there is no longer the need for mockery as self-ridicule or self-purification seem already to be enough. It is only in the gesture of tranquilly prolonging this life and striving to comprehend the mystery of this moment in time that freedom of existence is achieved, for in solitarily scrutinizing the self the perceptions of the self by others loses all relevance.
You don't know what other things you will do or what else there is to do but this is of no concern. If you want to do something you proceed to do it, it's fine if it is done but if it is not it doesn't matter. And you do not have to persist in doing something for if at a particular moment you feel hungry and thirsty you simply go and have something to eat and drink. Of course you continue to have your own opinions, interpretations, tendencies and can even get angry as you haven't got to the age when you no longer have the energy for anger. Naturally, you still become indignant but it is without a great deal of passion. Your capacity for feelings and sensory pleasures remains intact but as this is so then so be it. However there is no longer remorse, remorse is futile and, needless to say, damaging to the self.
For you only life is of value, you have a lingering attachment to it and it continues to be interesting as there are still things to discover and to amaze you, and it is only life that can excite you. That's exactly how it is with you, isn't it?

Bottom line....

"Existence is intangible so that the everything related to it. Dreams are result of unconscious mind, why to be conscious all the time then? Love is difficult to be understood, it’s not for mediocre like me. Relationships are binding force for an individual, but I am still free. Money can not buy you happiness, then why to accumulate dollars. Change is the only constant thing then why to prick the status-quo? Come along with me to feel the enlightenment"….Unknown...