Wednesday, August 22, 2007

LIFE......How to live it.....

Did you ever wonder why your parents act so disoriented when it comes to 'leisure' activities? Why they start one little hobby, and either fail to follow through with it or become pathologically obsessed with it... even though it doesn't seem to have anything to do with their lives? Maybe they seek to lose themselves in gardening or following the exploits of some basketball team. Maybe your father buys all sorts of fancy tools (the kind of tools many men his age have), but only uses them for a few days before setting them aside—and then buys a lot of skiing equipment the next month. Or perhaps they just spend their time trying figure out how to pay off the debt they owe for that wide screen television they spend the rest of their time watching.

And—have they ever been honest with you about their jobs? Do they enjoy them? Is their work the most fulfilling thing they could be doing, are they able to achieve every goal they always wanted to? Do they feel heroic or proud every day as they return home—or are they exhausted? Do they turn that wide screen television on as soon as they come in the door? Do they have the energy to do anything else?

Did you ever wonder if there might be a better way for them, for you?

What is 'Work' Like?

Because of 'division of labor', most jobs today consist of doing very specific tasks, over and over, with very little variety. If you are a dishwasher, you wash dishes: you don't get to interact with people or solve complicated problems very often, and you never get to leave the dishroom to run around in the sunlight. If you are a real estate agent, you never use your hands to make anything, and you spend most of your time thinking about market value and selling points. Even jobs that include a certain amount of variety can only remain interesting and challenging up to a point: for we work forty hours a week on average, and at least five out of the seven days. That's a lot of our lives to spend working. Work is the first thing we do on most of the days of our lives, and we don't get to do anything else until we've been at work for quite a while. When we spend most of our time and energy working on one task, or even ten different tasks, eventually we will feel bored and desperate for variety... even if we are conditioned not to realize this.

On top of this, because of the spread of large businesses and the consequent decrease in self-employment and small businesses, most of us do not have much voice in what our responsibilities at work will be. It is hard to start your own business or even find a friend or neighbor to work for. We often must get a job to survive in which we follow the instructions of a manager who probably doesn't have much more control over his job than we have over ours. Since we don't get to decide what we are doing, chances are that we will feel alienated from our work, disinterested in the quality of our labor; we may even feel that the projects we are working upon are unimportant.

Indeed it is easy to feel that most of the jobs available today are unimportant—for in a certain sense, many of them are. In a purely capitalist economy, the jobs that are available will be determined by which products are in the most demand; and often the products that are in demand (military technology, fast food, Pepsi, fashionable clothes) are not products that really make people happy. It's easy to feel like all your labor is wasted when the products you work so hard to sell just to survive seem to do nothing for the people you sell them to. How many people really are cheered up by the soggy french fries at McDonalds? Would they perhaps be happier eating a meal prepared by a friend of theirs or a chef they knew who owned his own cafe?

In short, "work" as we know it tends to make us unhappy because we do so much of it, because it is so repetitive, because we don't get to choose what we do, and because what we are doing is often not in the best interest of our fellow human beings.

What is Leisure Time Like?

We come home from these jobs exhausted from having invested all our time and energy in a project we may not have even been free to choose, and what we need most is to recover. We are emotionally and physically worn out, and nothing seems more natural than to sit down quietly for a while and watch television or read the daily paper, while we try to gather our strength for the next day's labor. Perhaps we try to leave behind our exhaustion and frustration by concentrating on some hobby or another; but as we are not very used to directing ourselves in the workplace during the day, we often don't know what we really want to do when we are free at home. Certainly some company or another will have some suggestions for us, whether we receive them from advertising or watching our neighbors; but chances are that this company has their profits in mind at least as much as our satisfaction, and we may discover that playing miniature golf is strangely unfulfilling.

Similarly, of course, we don't have much time or energy left over from work to consider our situation or participate in any rewarding activity which requires much time and energy. We don't like to think too much about whether we enjoy our jobs or our lives—besides, that might be depressing, and what can we do if we don't enjoy them, anyway? We don't have the energy left to enjoy art or music or books that are really challenging; we need our music to be soothing, our art nonthreatening, our books merely entertaining.

In fact, we come to associate having to expend effort and do things with our work, and associate relaxing and not doing anything with leisure time. So, because many of us don't like our jobs, we tend to associate having to do things with being unhappy, while happiness, as far as we ever know it, means... not doing anything. We never act for ourselves, because we spend our whole days acting for other people, and we think that acting and working hard always leads to unhappiness; our idea of happiness is not having to act, being on permanent vacation.

And this is ultimately why so many of us are so unhappy: because happiness is not doing nothing, happiness is acting creatively, doing things, working hard on things you care about. Happiness is becoming an excellent long-distance runner, falling in love, cooking an original recipe for people you care about, building a bookshelf, writing a song. There is no happiness to be found in merely lying on a couch—happiness is something that we must pursue. We are not unhappy because we have to do things, we are unhappy because all the things we do are things we don't care about. And because our jobs exhaust us and mislead us about what we want, they are the source of much of our unhappiness.

What is the Solution?

You don't have to work at those jobs, you know. It is possible to get by without all the Pepsi, all the expensive clothes, the wide screen television and the expensive interior decorating that all those paychecks go to pay for. You can try to start your own business doing something you care about (although this still involves the danger of having too little variety in your work), or you can try to find a job in today's marketplace (good luck!) that you actually enjoy... and that leaves you enough time and energy to do other things in your life that you also enjoy. The most important thing is to arrange your life so that you are doing things because you want to do them, not because they are profitable—otherwise, no matter how much money you make, you will be selling your happiness for money. Remember that the less money you spend, the less you will have to worry about getting money in the first place... and the less you will have to work at those dehumanizing jobs. Learn to use all your 'free' time, not to vegetate or spend money on entertainment, but to create things and accomplish things—things that no one would pay you to make or do, but that make your life (and perhaps the lives of others) better anyway.

Some will argue that the system we live within would break down if we all were to walk away from our jobs—so much the better. Haven't we built enough automobiles, enough shopping malls, enough televisions and golf clubs, enough fucking nuclear weapons already? Wouldn't we all be better off if there was a shortage of fast food and a surplus of unique home-cooked meals? If playing music is more rewarding than working in an assembly line, why do we have so few good bands and so many transistor radios? Of course a 'work-free' world is a dream we will probably never see come true; but as always, the challenge is to make this dream a part of your world, as much as you can—to liberate yourself from the chains of mindless consumerism and mind-melting employment and live a more meaningful life. (Source:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Realities @"Bottom of the Pyramid" : Education

I have been born and brought up in Rural India (Most populated state of India, fifth most poor state) India where 70% hindustani resides.Latest book by C.K Prahlad, "Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid", forced me to unveil some intriguing truths about this Filthy bottom of the Pyramid. This is just "Reality" feed for those who are thinking of eradicating poverty through profit by seling things in "Sashes" and via "Chaupal". My dear fellows, it is not that easy puzzle.....

Lets talk about, the education at the Bottom of the Pyramid....

Lets talk about 54% Educated people of India first, they are actually so called literate people. out of these literate people 10 % are just able to write HINDI or their Regional Laguage alphbets (Kudos to NLC:National Literacy Campaign). Another 15 % are not able to basic arthematic operations. Rest 17% have no "Skill oriented education", So this makes a bottom of pyramid.The abysmal state of government run schools is very much known. Teachers do not turn up at schools, so u can very much imagine the attendance of the students in their "classes".

Primary Education for the "Bottom of Pyramid"....

either it would be one Room school, or two rooms (One for Teacer's Lunch).Electrification is rare, and Sanitation is evident from the fact, that 3% deaths in India are just out of poor sanitation. A Yello-Red School, with "Kendriya", "Priamry", "Prathmik", "SIKSHA KENDRA", "SISHU" in its name gives us the glimpse of true "Primary education" in India. Private schools are just like mirage, and people are happy with the fact that atleast teachers are turning up in these private schools.
In Primary schools where their is good attendance record, it is just on the papers, to eke out money from any "Government Scheme".Actual situation is far from expectations.

Secondary education for the "Bottom of the Pyramid"...

After the abysmal priary school, 30% of enrolled reaches to the secondary level of education, and here they get a glimpse of 26 alphabets,but it is too late to grasp the new language, then these lads gasp in the English class whuich is scheduled once in a week.Teachers are paid "meagre amount" as they are "Educated by grace". The poor standard of teaching does not inspire students to study further, and most of them either turn up to labour or to become farmers. And most of the girls got married to these Secondary pass boys.And basis of marraige is ancestor's land that would be heired by the boy, other than the no of buffeloes one carry.After such education what we can expect from the farmer of this country.

Higher Education @ "Bottom of the Pyramid".....
3% of students enrolled in the priamary schools reach this level.Colleges are far away from their place in villages in town, nad most of the students are first exosed to modern culture, and films. And here starts their journey of dremas, and fatasy regardign modern woman, and politics in the form og youth elecetion. Because of their good health, rural college students become the back bone of City's students election. and most of the times these lads are arrestd foe some thing or other by the police. The politics overpowers education in these city colleges, eve teasign is at the apex. so the sex raio in these college normaly lies around to 1:9. Here fake marksheets are real exam papers are easily available. Still passing rate is 30-40%. So we can imagine what kind of education is their at the bottom of the pyramid.

I want C.K prahlad, to review his tips to buisness conglomerates, after reading this article I beleive.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sleazy ads are Corrupt Society

The Ban of AMUL MACHO Ad....did not come as surprise to me as I was expecting the same for this ad.....Sexuality is again on prowl....and Macho male underwear is selling like hot cake.....Advertisemnets zre back with "thier" sleazy face again....

But More suprising was BAN...the modern world, which is erotic in thoughts (Eve teasing at its Apex),Item Numbers are must for success of any commercial cinema, Wet scenes are fashion in Bangla films, Arousing dresses are Code of South Indian Movies,....and Shakeela is well appreciated face along with "Kiss-addicted" Imraan Hasmi who is new poster boy of Modern India.....The Ban is some what "Unreasonable"....don't u think so...

Is Shahrukh Khan so bad actor in LUX ad ?, or Woman Fantisizing with undergarments of her husband is so immoral ? that these must be waved off the Ad-Slate....I do not think so, there is some where our Hypocratic Indian mentality comes in between. We are proudly share the "Sleazy sms" in our offices, but we can not see the "Amul Macho ad" with our family...We can watch Murder along with our daughter, but we can not nod to Shahruk in LUX ad, that is really shameful....

But here is lesson to Ad industry as well....Formula that "Sex Sells" is and will alwyas remain popular but it is upto them(ad makers) how do they pursue it....Becuase "Catching" the attention of Consumers is important for the profit oriented corporations, but u have moral responsibility as well towards your society where SEX is still tabboo, and this is fact that can not be changed with the opening of few hundered multiplexes, malls and cafe-outlets....

Social fabric is natural one, it takes shapes by itself....Let it b like that....but I also belive like sigmund Freud that "SEX" is driving force....of all human emotions

Monday, August 06, 2007

Which World

When the world ends, white dust will fill the air like
the curtain at the end of a play. A rain of desperate
bodies will fall from the windows of burning buildings,
drumming the concrete below. Men with splinters in
their eyes will stumble through streets choked with debris;
women clutching babies will pick through the rubble and
tear out their hair. Our generation will go to its grave
shouting its last words into a cell phone.
Or perhaps it will arrive as a thief in the night, step
by invisible step. Factories will disappear overseas and
corporations vanish into thin air, taking jobs and retirement
funds with them. Cities dying from the inside out will
spread like ringworm, the shrapnel spray of suburbs slicing
through forest and field. Wars will reach from continent
to continent and neighborhood to neighborhood—the
terrorists who won’t make peace against the horrorists who
enforce it at any price, who keep trying to impose harmony
between oppressed and oppressor with fear and firepower.
Tides will rise with global warming, acid rains fall with the
last of the redwoods, computer systems crash with stocks
and stock markets . . . until one day everyone has cancer.
Or else nothing will happen at all, business will
continue as usual: prison guards pace concrete tombs,
psychiatrists contemplate madness, demons glare from
the eyes of ministers, consumers are bought and sold in
the marketplace. It’s after the end of the world, whispers the
homeless man on the corner—don’t you know that yet?
Others, mysterious and knowing, who have held
themselves aloof from the discussion until now, finally iterject :Which World

Bottom line....

"Existence is intangible so that the everything related to it. Dreams are result of unconscious mind, why to be conscious all the time then? Love is difficult to be understood, it’s not for mediocre like me. Relationships are binding force for an individual, but I am still free. Money can not buy you happiness, then why to accumulate dollars. Change is the only constant thing then why to prick the status-quo? Come along with me to feel the enlightenment"….Unknown...